Wednesday, November 30, 2005

My new favorite show.

This always happens to me. I hear about a new and upcoming show, get all geeked about it, and then never hear another word until it's been taken off the air. Yup, that's me. So the other morning I catch the tail end of the 5:30am showing of "Second Hand Stories" on my local PBS station. And nowhere on the PBS website (which is extremely hard to get around if you watch more than one PBS channel) does it even mention this wonderful show that just came out in October! Whatever. OK, maybe that was last October. But still, I never saw a single commerical for it and it looked like a really good show. It's all about two guys who buy a used ambulance off of e-Bay and set off across the country stopping at garage sales, Salvation Army stores and any place they can find used things. The soundtrack is even made up of LPs they found along the way. since I can't explain it very well, here's what the website says-

As they make their way across the land of cast-off objects, fighting cash flow problems and the disintegration of their cranky vehicle, the duo also uncover some forgotten history and bizarre incidences of discarded Americana: Who invented some of the most popular board games of the ’60s and ’70s? (Sid Sackson) What company manufactured the first professional skateboard in 1963? (Mikaha) What record seems to turn up in every thrift store across America? (Herb Albert’s Whipped Cream and Other Delights).Equal parts video travelogue and pop-culture archeological expedition, SECOND HAND STORIES reveals the passions and obsessions of Americans by taking a closer look at the second-hand stuff they buy, sell and collect and how it accumulates meaning along the way.

And guess what? I've owned a copy of Herb Alpert's Whipped Cream and Other Delights that I bought at a second hand store years ago. I guess in my head I'm ahead of the game. :-)


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