Sunday, April 16, 2006

Silk Tie Easter Eggs

On Thursday I caught the first few minutes of the Martha Stewart show where they were showing how to dye Easter eggs using men's silk ties. (There's a video tutorial if you look around.) They were gorgeous! I immediately went through my tie collection and tried it the next morning. That batch didn't turn out so well. You need really vibrant ties (nothing muted) and a lot more vinegar than the instructions call for. Like, 2 to 5 times as much depending on how many eggs you are doing.

So Friday night after the Fish Fry I met up with my parents at my brother's house to dye eggs with the kids and try the silk tie thing again. These turned out great! Above are pictures of only the four I brought home showing both sides of the eggs. (I left the rest of the eggs there and the pics I took that night didn't turn out that great. Sorry for all the help you gave me, big brother!) Everybody seemed to like them and I definitely plan on doing them for years to come. It's amazing to see what different patterns the different ties will make.
Going clockwise from the top:
-on the top egg we used a bold striped tie
-on the right egg we used a tie with a harvest-colored grape pattern
-the bottom egg was dyed with a blue peacock-like pattern
-the left egg was dyed with a red tie that had sailboats on it

It was amazing to see how each one turned out. We'll definitely do it next year!

Oh, and Happy Easter!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty! I was home sick with the Boy and saw that Martha too. I didn't try it, though... maybe next year.


Mon Apr 17, 12:56:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the eggs are lovely!!

Mon Apr 17, 05:10:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Andre said...

That's pretty cool.

Mon Apr 17, 06:09:00 PM EDT  

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