Tuesday, August 01, 2006

So Many Things To Do, So Little Time.....

I have been a very busy girl lately. Here's a quick recap...

Saturday was the lisa life's birthday party! Holly, myself and my friend in town from Las Vegas went and had a wonderful time! We met other bloggers as well as some of Lisa's extended family that we've heard so much about. (I didn't even know her husband has a blog, too!) Did anyone explain the gifts to Lisa? I'm hoping she knows it's tea in those brown paper sacks. ;-)

When I wasn't partying at Lisa's on Saturday, I was running around with Tracey from Vegas. We shopped, hung out with my husband and his good friend, shopped, picked up Holly, shopped some more and had a few weird run-in's with some Christian bikers. After the party we went back to my place, played a few rounds of boggle with my houseguests, then around 11:30pm we went to another friend's house for drinks. It was a very full day.

We've had a lot of visitors and houseguests lately. I'm not complaining because living in Michigan you know you don't see that many people in the middle of winter.

Today I'm picking up Tracey and we're headed off to East Lansing. She's an MSU grad and wants to pick up a few things. Tonight I'm grocery shopping, tomorrow I'm packing and tomorrow night Tracey and I are going back over to my friend's house for drinks. Wedsnesday night I'm headed to Gadsden, Alabama for my family reunion AND the World's Largest Garage Sale. The garage sale should be a blast! See ya'll next week!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was TEA!?!

We have to get together again. It was so much fun meeting you and seeing Holly!

And thanks for the "tea".


Thu Aug 03, 10:07:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Ronni said...

Lisa! did you smoke that stuff? tch.

Sat Aug 05, 12:31:00 PM EDT  

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